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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 23, Issue 4, pp. 821-1079

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Global Existence of Weak Solutions for Interface Equations Coupled with Diffusion Equations

Yoshikazu Giga, Shun'ichi Goto, and Hitoshi Ishii

pp. 821-835

On a Nonlinear Elliptic-Parabolic Partial Differential Equation System in a Two-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Problem

Ph. Clément, C. J. van Duijn, and Shuanhu Li

pp. 836-851

Final Time Blowup Profiles for Semilinear Parabolic Equations via Center Manifold Theory

J. Bebernes and S. Bricher

pp. 852-869

Existence of Travelling Wave Solutions for a Bistable Evolutionary Ecology Model

Jack D. Dockery and Roger Lui

pp. 870-888

On the Energy Decay of a Linear Thermoelastic Bar and Plate

Jong Uhn Kim

pp. 889-899

Solutions to the Cubic Schrödinger Equation by the Inverse Scattering Method

Amy Cohen and Thomas Kappeler

pp. 900-922

Generalized Solutions to the Korteweg–de Vries and the Regularized Long-Wave Equations

H. A. Biagioni and M. Oberguggenberger

pp. 923-940

Nonconservative Products in Bounded Variation Functions

Jean François Colombeau and Arnaud Heibig

pp. 941-949

A Uniqueness Result Concerning the Identification of a Collection of Cracks from Finitely Many Electrostatic Boundary Measurements

Kurt Bryan and Michael Vogelius

pp. 950-958

Orthogonal Polynomials and a Discrete Boundary Value Problem I

Ryszard Szwarc

pp. 959-964

Orthogonal Polynomials and a Discrete Boundary Value Problem II

Ryszard Szwarc

pp. 965-969

The Growth of Polynomials Bounded at Equally Spaced Points

Don Coppersmith and T. J. Rivlin

pp. 970-983

Commutant Lifting and Simultaneous $H^\infty $ and $L^2 $ Suboptimization

C. Foias and A. E. Frazho

pp. 984-994

Nonuniform Sampling of Bandlimited Functions of Polynomial Growth

Gilbert G. Walter

pp. 995-1003

Discrete Discrete Wavelets

Gilbert G. Walter

pp. 1004-1014

Sobolev Characterization of Solutions of Dilation Equations

Timo Eirola

pp. 1015-1030

Two-Scale Difference Equations II. Local Regularity, Infinite Products of Matrices and Fractals

Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias

pp. 1031-1079